Light of Hearts Villa in Bedford, Ohio


honor and memorial gifts

Since its beginning, Light of Hearts Villa has accepted honor and memorial gifts of residents, staff and more. We send a letter to the family of the one being memorialized or to the person being honored, listing you and others who have donated to Light of Hearts Villa on their behalf.

Memorial and tribute gifts are a fitting way to connect with the people you care for, especially if they participated at Light of Hearts Villa. Our online donation form allows you to designate your honor and memorial gifts of someone. If you are writing a check, please include the name of the person that you are dedicating your gift to.

Wishlist Items
We continuously update this list of diverse and thoughtful items that donors can choose from to sponsor. Different items may resonate with different people, and it addresses the various aspects of our residents’ well-being and quality of life. Depending on the item sponsored, a name plate to honor a loved one can also be included! 
Second Floor Art Sponsor Opportunities
Each piece of artwork around our building as we continue our facility upgrades is specifically hand-chosen for each area to bring joy, light, and calming feelings to our residents and team members. 
  • Art pieces are available to be sponsored for $500 and you can choose what the naming plaque will say for that piece of art you choose. It can be dedicated to a team member, in honor or in memory of a loved one, or simply a quote you find meaningful.
  • We know not everyone is able to leave a naming legacy of thousands of dollars. This is an affordable legacy opportunity that will not only help offset the costs of some of these beautiful upgrades, but will leave a permanent naming opportunity for you and your loved ones.

Choose your legacy by picking out your art piece below and reaching out to Amy Huntley at or 440.232.1991 ext. 524 to confirm the details of your gift and the wording on your plaque, or simply fill out our donation form here and fill in the comments section which number of art you chose, and what the plaque should say. 

NEWS & updates

Sister Regina Kusnir Chapel of Light: A Legacy of Faith and Compassion

Sister Regina Kusnir, SC, has lived a life of extraordinary charity and has been an integral part of Light of Hearts Villa. She helped coordinate the transition of Lumen Cordium High School into an assisted living facility in 1989. Since 2005, she has served as the director of pastoral and special ministries, where she helps address the spiritual life of residents.