Sister Sandy embarked on a unique journey that intertwines her professional expertise with her spiritual calling. After earning an associate degree in accounting from Thompson Institute in Harrisburg, PA, she delved into the finance department of her local hospital, where she dedicated eight years of service. Despite finding fulfillment in her work, she sensed a void in her life, eventually leading her to answer a higher calling by joining a convent—a decision she believes was guided by divine intervention.

During her formative years within the convent, Sister Sandy underwent spiritual training, pursued higher education at Duquesne University, and engaged in various ministries. She obtained a B.A. teaching degree and taught for several years before transitioning to serve at the main convent’s newly established child care center. There, she assumed the role of supervisor in the infant department, where she introduced innovative practices to the childcare landscape. Additionally, she managed payroll, handled bookkeeping responsibilities, and supported the center’s director.

Years later, Sister Sandy found her path leading to Light of Hearts Villa, where she has served in diverse capacities, including payroll, billing, and administrative roles. Currently, she plays an integral part in the HR department, where her expertise and dedication shine. Beyond her professional duties, Sister Sandy is deeply involved in addressing the spiritual needs of the residents and assisting in chapel activities—a testament to her unwavering faith and commitment.

Outside of her work and ministry, Sister Sandy cherishes moments spent with her family, fellow Sisters, and friends. These connections provide her with solace, strength, and joy, enriching her life’s journey in profound ways.