Light of Hearts Villa in Bedford, Ohio

BOARD OF Directors

Sister Anita Maroun, SC, JD

President, Law Professional

Beth M. Haberbosch-Wiblin

Vice President, Tutoring by BMW

 Adam Gockowski

Treasurer, Retired, Finance Executive

Vince DiTurno

Retired, Swagelok Executive

Sister Regina Fierman, CSA

Regina Health Center

Cornelia Hodgson

C.C. Hodgson Architectural Group

Patrick Melnick

Retired, Academic Leadership

Margie Orth

Home Instead

Perdell Richardson

Retired, Human Resources Professional

Melissa Rogers

Ex-Officio, Sisters of Charity Health System

Jane Soposky

Retired, Health Care Executive


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NEWS & updates

Sister Regina Kusnir Chapel of Light: A Legacy of Faith and Compassion

Sister Regina Kusnir, SC, has lived a life of extraordinary charity and has been an integral part of Light of Hearts Villa. She helped coordinate the transition of Lumen Cordium High School into an assisted living facility in 1989. Since 2005, she has served as the director of pastoral and special ministries, where she helps address the spiritual life of residents.