Senior Residential Facility in Bedford, Ohio

NEWS Releases

Light the Way Gala 2023

Our annual Light the Way Gala celebrated an incredible evening of generosity and support, raising over $120,000 for the Sister Helen T. Scasny, SC Benevolent Fund. This sold-out event on September 29, attended by over 250 people, illuminated the unwavering commitment of the community to the mission of Light of Hearts Villa.

The Sister Helen T. Scasny, SC Benevolent Fund lies at the heart of Light of Hearts Villa’s mission, providing essential support to residents who have outlived their financial resources. This gala is a testament to the impact of community engagement and the compassion of those who believe in the importance of caring for the elderly.

One of the highlights of the event was presenting this year’s Radiant Heart Award to Deacon Robert and Mrs. Mary Ann Kaminski, two individuals whose generosity and devotion to Light of Hearts Villa have had a profound impact. Their children, Janice Marie and Bob Kaminski, accepted this award on their behalf. The Kaminskis have set an inspiring example of selflessness, generosity, and love for our community, reminding us all that a radiant heart can make an extraordinary difference in the lives of many.

What an incredible evening! Please enjoy this recap video.


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NEWS & updates

Light of Hearts Villa Celebrates Deficiency-Free Survey

Light of Hearts Villa, a senior living community in Bedford, Ohio, received zero deficiencies during their annual state survey this past month. An accomplishment that is not easily attainable in the highly regulated world of assisted living. But what exactly does having “zero deficiencies” mean?


Light the Way Gala 2023

Our annual Light the Way Gala celebrated an incredible evening of generosity and support, raising over $120,000 for the Sister Helen T. Scasny, SC Benevolent Fund. This sold-out event on September 29, attended by over 250 people, illuminated the unwavering commitment of the community to the mission of Light of Hearts Villa.